To see better before 45 | Bellecour Vision Clinic Skip to main content

See better before 45 years old

If you suffer from one or several visual defects which prevent you from seeing clearly and living the life you want, Bellecour Vision Clinic can offer you a taylor-made solution to reclaim a good eyesight without glasses or contacts.

Better Vision Before 45 Years

At any age, visual impairments can affect your daily life. Today, surgical technologies can improve your vision and correct vision problems, or even eliminate the need for corrective lenses altogether. At the Bellecour Vision Clinic, we offer innovative surgical treatments that can have a significant impact on your vision and daily life.

If you are under 45 years of age and are particularly concerned about the quality of your vision, we recommend that you schedule an appointment at our clinic for an ophthalmological evaluation. Dr. Donate and his colleagues will be able to assess the health of your eyes and suggest solutions tailored to your lifestyle.

What affects vision quality before 45 years?

From a young age, vision can be impaired by various visual impairments. Most vision problems before 45 years of age are due to a poor curvature of the cornea or an abnormality of the axial length of the eye. The causes are most often genetic but can also be environmental (lack of exposure to natural light, prolonged time in front of screens and too much time spent with close vision) and we are now seeing a significant increase in these visual impairments. Currently, almost half of French people wear glasses or contact lenses.

Vision Problems Should Not Become a Fate

Do you want to correct eye refraction defects? Does decreased vision affect your daily activities? Do glasses or contact lenses cause aesthetic and physical discomfort? Have you heard of laser surgery but are hesitant to try it? Eye surgery is a surgical intervention aimed at correcting various eye problems in patients under the age of 45. It significantly improves the quality of life of our patients and aims to correct vision problems such as myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, and presbyopia.

What Techniques Do We Offer to Patients Under 45 Years Old?

To correct your vision and improve your quality of life, Bellecour Vision Clinic relies on proven medical expertise. By exploring Dr. Donate's presentation, you can learn about his academic and professional background. The information we provide to our patients is meant to reassure them, offer medical education, and emphasize that this type of surgery must always be performed by an expert in ocular surgery.

If you are under 45 years old, here are the surgical treatments we can offer:

    The most common form of refractive surgery. We use a laser to reshape the cornea, correcting near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism. This procedure requires two incisions.
    A recent technology that can correct vision problems such as near-sightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia. We use a laser to make a single incision in the eye to remove a small lens to correct the shape of the cornea and improve vision quality.
  • ICL implants
    These are soft eye implants that we insert into the eye to correct your vision. We offer this technology to patients who are not eligible for LASIK or SMILE.